
Team Jets gain Jersey Clubmark award

Tuesday 26 September 2017

Team Jets became the 21st Jersey sports club to gain the full Jersey Clubmark award this evening at their 2017/18 Season Launch Night.

The award, presented by Constable Steve Pallett, Assistant Minister for Sport, recognises sports clubs and associations in Jersey that have high standards in management, safety, coaching, competition and off-island travel.

To gain the award, clubs and associations must be able to evidence a wide-range of documents and procedures including safeguarding training, volunteer policies, DBS (police) checks, coaching qualifications, risk assessments, first aid training and insurances.  This gives all those in the club, and in particular parents of young athletes, the confidence that they are receiving excellent coaching from qualified staff and volunteers.

Fully accredited Jersey Clubmark clubs are:

Accies Netball Club

Farmers Cricket Club

Jersey Aquatic Rescue Club

Jersey Gymnastics Club

Jersey Indoor Bowls Association

Jersey Judo Club

Jersey Reds (formerly Jersey Rugby Football Club)

Jersey Reds (Minis and Juniors section)

Jersey Spartan Athletic Club

Jersey Squash and Racketball Club

Jersey Surfboard Club

Jersey Triathlon Club

Lifesavers Jersey​

Regent Gymnastics Club

Regent Racquets Club

St Brelade Smallbore Rifle Club

St Clement Sports Club (football)

St Lawrence Miniature Rifle Club

Team Jets

Torakan Judo Club

Walkers Tigers Swimming Club


Those clubs who meet all the Jersey Clubmark requirements but haven’t yet got a Level 2 qualified coach are able to be accredited for a Jersey Clubmark Management and Safety Award.  Two clubs currently have this award: Archers of Jersey and Leoville Sports and Miniature Rifle Club.

For more information on Jersey Clubmark email


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